The children from “Forget-me-not” Orphanage in Stara Zagora celebrated Easter with a special exhibition and a concert

The children from “Forget-me-not” Orphanage in Stara Zagora used lots of imagination and skills while preparing for their Easter Exhibition and Concert. Along with representatives from different classes of the Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza”, students in Special Pedagogy from the Thracian University, who have their regular practical internship at the social institution, and pupils from the local schools working on a volunteer basis, they coloured 370 Easter eggs and painted 15 glass drawings, 20 bottles, 20 plates and 10 bowls.

All Easter items and eggs were arranged into a special charity exhibition with an auction “Happy Easter”in the foyer of the Thracian University. Over 100 students from the Pedagogy and Medical Faculties of the University, professors, BSoP Alumni and many guests attended the official opening. The exhibition was welcomed by Ms Daniela Dimitrova – Director of the Community Donors’ Fund – Stara Zagora and School Alumni. The children from “Forget-me-not” Orphanage played a short concert.

The funds gathered will be used for covering the needs of the children from the care institution.

The initiative was part of the project “Young Leaders Assisting the Social Integration of Children from Institutions”, funded through the Bonita Trust and implemented by the Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza”. Its goals are to support long-term engagement to social integration of children from institutions and to reestablish charity as a core value in contemporary Bulgarian society. For many years BSoP Alumni have supported the children from the “Forget-me-not” Orphanage to develop their skills and abilities, which could be helpful for their further development. For Baba Marta (with is celebrated on the 1st March) the Alumni representatives supported making of 320 martenitsas, which were arranged into a charity exhibition named “Martenitsas for all” at the Park Mall in Stara Zagora. New initiatives with children are forecasted for celebrating the Children’s’ Day – 1st June.