Chris J. Matlon “The leader should be irreproachable in their personal and professional life”

“The leader is the one who takes the responsibility and creates the ethical standards. He must give personal example every day, because if the employees see the head of the organization in conflict of interest, they would also be tempted, ” said Mr. Chris J. Matlon, who is a Member of the Board of Directors of the “America for Bulgaria” Foundation, to the participants in the National Program “Governing skills”. He was a special guest speaker at the session “30 minutes with …”. The topic of his lecture was “Business ethics”. He gave for example the U.S. measures to prevent bad business practices. Mr. Matlon presented the basic rules of “Sarbanes-Oxley Act”, which regulate the corporate audits. He highlighted that although it was expensive for the small and medium-sized companies to introduce some of the measures provided in the document that was the price, which business should pay for violating the ethical standards.