Celebration of the Children’s Day at the Centre for Family Type Accommodation in Velingrad

With hundreds of colourful balloons, flowers, sweets, cakes, banitsas and music, the children from the Centre for Family Type Accommodation in Velingrad and their peers from the local Junior Achievement Club celebrated the Children’s Day – 1st June. Together they made colourful paintings and collages on the topic “Health through Water”, made sculptures of plasticine, drew with chalk, and laid puzzles. The items in every category competed with each other and the authors of the best ones were awarded.

Special guests of the celebration were Angel Daskalov – Member of Parliament, the Deputy Regional Governor of Pazardjik – Vanya Minkova, the Chair of the Municipal Council in Velingrad Diana Kehajova, the Deputy Mayor of Velingrad Georgi Yanchev, Irena Tahova from BSoP Class 2008 and a business woman, Vasil Avramov from Class 2007 and a Municipal Councilor in Velingrad, Zlatka Angelova from Class 2012 and the Chair of Community Social Practices Foundation, Irina Alexieva – Executive Director and Mariana Petrova – Program Coordinator at the Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza”, as well as the Centre’s Director Desislava Sandakova and her team.

The event was within the project ”Young Leaders Assisting the Social Integration of Children from Institutions”, financed through the Bonita Trust and implemented by the Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza”. The goals of the project are to support long-term engagement to social integration of children from institutions and to reestablish charity as a core value in contemporary Bulgarian society.