Mr. Sergey Ignatov: “Bulgarian Education and Science are a strategic priority. Our success depends on them.”

“Bulgaria is working for development of smart growth education”, explained the Minister of Education, Mr. Sergey Ignatov to the participants in the National Program “Governing Skills” of the Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza”. He said that there are five priority areas in which Bulgaria needs to develop its education – green energy and transport; medicine and quality of life; new materials; computer technology, and cultural and historical heritage.

“The most important thing for the business is people, who come from the universities, to be adaptable to different political and economic changes and to be able to learn lifelong,” stressed Mr. Bojidar Danev, who is executive president of the Bulgarian Industrial Association.

“The management of science is going in the right direction, but there are more steps that must be taken.” This opinion shared the rector of the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Mr. Stoyan Denchev. He highlighted various measures for better linking the state, the business and the universities.

Mr. Ignatov, Mr. Danev and Mr. Denchev were guests in the panel “Bulgarian long-term strategies”. They discussed the topic “What kind of reforms the Bulgarian education system needs?” This was the last activity in the seminar “Leadership, organization and communication.”