The Charity evening of Class 2013 raised over 13 000 BGN

The Charity evening of Class 2013 of the Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza” took place on 15th March in Pravets. The cause of the Class 2013 is “One more baby to be born” and the raised funds will be donated to families with fertility problems for assisted reproduction procedures. A total amount of over 12 000 BGN was raised.

Donations for Alumni activities with children from the Social Institution for Children with Disabilities in Vidrare, the Center for Family Type Accommodation in Velingrad, and the “Nezabravka” Orphanage in Stara Zagora, were collected as well. During the evening there was an exhibition of 12 objects made ​​by children in their homes during their art therapy sessions, which later sold at the auction. A total amount of near 1 000 BGN was raised