The first trainings organized for the Alumni of the Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza” were assessed as very successful. They were held on 28, 28 and 30 June and nearly 35 Alumni took part in them. The lecturer of the training entitled “Style, Etiquette, Protocol and Rules of Public Behaviour “ was Mr. Anatolij Pazijski, who is a career diplomat, expert in protocol and a well-known lecturer on the topic. The lecturers of the training entitled “Techniques of Media Behaviour” were Mr. Petko Georgiev – a radio and TV journalist and producer, and an expert in development of independent media, and Mr. Bojko Vasilev – presenter of Panorama broadcasting on the Bulgarian National Television. During the trainings, the participants deepened their knowledge in protocol during work meetings and international visits, and in etiquette at workplace, were introduced to the basic rules of work with media, exercised how to prepare for and have a TV interview, and participated in practical simulations of a press conference and a series of debates. The trainings were part of the project “Linking Expertise of Civil Society, Businesses, Academia and Young Political Leaders”, financed by the America for Bulgaria Foundation.