Supporting the Creation of a Multiparty Dialogue in Times of Transition: Experience Sharing between Bulgaria and Morocco (2014-2015)

The project “Supporting the Creation of a Multiparty Dialogue in Times of Transition: Experience Sharing between Bulgaria and Morocco” is funded by Robert Bosch Stiftung. Its purpose is to support the establishment of an active dialogue between the political parties and the civil society in Morocco, the implementation period being 2014-2015. The Citizen School of Political Studies in Morocco is a partnering organisation in realising this project.

The project will identify the specific training needs of young and active leaders from the entire political spectrum and the main actors of civil society, who have an influence on the formation of public opinion. The BSoP will support the Moroccan school in the communication with the political parties in the country for their inclusion in the training programs of the school. A special handbook will be elaborated, who will contain knowledge and expertise related to the role of political parties – good practices of financing, participation in the electoral process, building a stable multi-party democracy. Moroccan experts will visit Bulgaria for an additional training related to the tools for creating a suitable environment for multiparty dialogue between all stakeholders.