Александър Илчев


Yordan Yordanov – Mayor of Dobrich, Ivaylo Simeonov – Mayor of Elin Pelin and Trifon Panchev – Mayor of Dryanovo were guest lecturers in the second course of the National Program. It was dedicated to regional development and local governance and was held from 28 to 31 May in Borovets.  The three mayors shared from...
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The Bulgarian School of Politics organized three meetings with representatives of institutions for the Refugee Advocacy and Inclusion Board. The purpose of the working visits is for the newly established Board to become familiar with the work of key state and municipal agencies, which will help it in its future work with this group of...
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The representatives of seven countries who were elected as members of the Refugee Advocacy and Inclusion Board have completed their training. The last training module for the group was held on 13 and 14 May at the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in the capital’s Positano Square.               The two-day training programme was designed based...
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A day before its third, last, training module, the Board for Advocacy and Inclusion of Refugees visited the national ombudsman and the Bureau of the European Parliament (EP) in Bulgaria. These were the first of its planned five working meetings. The goal is for the newly formed and trained Board for Advocacy and Inclusion of...
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The goal of this research is to show how urban farming/gardening has educational, economic, social, and ecological impact on society, and sheds light on how urban farming/gardening motivates community involvement.  This activity contributes to the main objective of the project by revealing the true need or necessity for changing the mindset of the citizens regarding...
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“Education is the foundation of leadership because a leader has to make decisions that affect more people and therefore has to be well educated and informed.” This is what the Vice President Iliana Iotova told Class 2023 of the Bulgarian School of Politics (BSoP).  She was the last lecturer in the first course of the...
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The anniversary, twentieth, Class of the National Program “Governing Skills” of the Bulgarian School of Politics (BSoP) kept the tradition. Following the example of their predecessors and the founder of the School Dimi Panica, the 2022 graduates chose their cause and organized a charity initiative to support it. During their training, the members of Class...
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How can we help our older acquaintances and relatives become “greener” and environmentally oriented? This is what we focus on in the project “Seniors in Green Action – from Hands to Minds to Souls”. The Guidelines on the topic are now ready and can be found here. They have two major parts: Part 1 – “Basic principles...
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A week after the first training, the Refugee Advocacy and Inclusion Board in Bulgaria passed the second module of its training on March 25 and 26. Based on the feedback from the trainees and the set goals for the work and activities of the Board, the Bulgarian School of Politics developed the two-day training program....
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The first training module of the Refugee Advocacy and Inclusion Board took place on March 18 and 19 in Sofia. The Board which was formed at the end of last year includes refugees from Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iran, Yemen, Syria and Kuwait. Its fifteen members will undergo training in three modules, which has been created and...
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