Current and Completed Projects


The purpose of the Project was to bring together Roma civil society and political activists and representatives of other ethnic groups in order to raise civic awareness and ethnic tolerance throughout Bulgaria.
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The key problem that this project identified was the lack of a community of professional political and civic leaders in Bulgaria, who understood and could fully implement the core principles of good governance, such as the rule of law, legitimacy, transparency, and accountability.  Tied to this was the second problem, namely, the inability of political...
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The project was targeted to media and was imposed by climate change worldwide and the response that each state must provide in order to mitigate and slow the effects of these changes in economic, social, and political terms. Discussion, development and effective implementation of legislative initiatives and mechanisms at national level in this area could...
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The aim of the Project is to revive the long-lasting giving traditions in Bulgaria, to encourage charity among young political and civic leaders, and to make philanthropy an integral part of culture and value system of our society. The Bulgarian School of Politics has always united leading public figures in their efforts to engage with...
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The School is actively involved in the implementation of policies mitigating the effects of climate change in the municipality of Sofia. In collaboration with the experts from the municipality we have developed a “low carbon energy strategy of Sofia”. The strategy combines in one document a wide range of policies and measures to reduce the...
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In the Project, representatives of the School Alumni work with the children from the Centers for Foster Care in Velingrad, Nezabravka Orphanage in Stara Zagora and the Care Home for Children with Disabilities “St. Pantelejmon” in the village of Vidrare, Pravets municipality.
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Bulgarian School of Politics makes the study of international practices and experience in the development and use of methodologies to reduce energy consumption through information campaigns on energy efficiency. The study is carried out jointly with the Institute for Energy Management.
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