BSoP continues the active work on the project “Urban Farming Education for Sustainable Future” with the filming of 5 short videos

As part of the “Urban Farming Education for Sustainable Future” project, BSoP filmed 5 short videos about urban agriculture in the country. The project partners filmed a total of 16 videos with good practices from Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Serbia and Croatia.

The main goal of the project “Urban Farming Education for Sustainable Future” is to change the mindset of adult citizens and encourage their interest in environment and sustainability and to expand urban farming movement thus contributing to the EU Green Deal, the fight against climate change and sustainability of the cities. In it, the Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza” is partnering with the lead organization “Forum CSRD” (North Macedonia), “Serbia Organica” (Serbia) and “Eko Zadar” (Croatia), The project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU.

You can see all the videos here.