Application Process

Application Criteria

Candidates for the Program from the political quota are nominated by the leaderships of the political parties represented in the National and/or European parliament.

Candidates for the Program from the civic quota are nominated by civil society organizations and alumni of the Program. Self-nomination is not allowed. The program is focused on the training of representatives of civic and professional organizations who work in prioritized areas on strategic level such as education, health care, social policy, ecology, energy, judicial system, local self-government and civic participation. Nominations outside those designated areas will be considered as an exception – if there is a shortage of candidates in the given profile. For the civic quota, only candidates who are not members of a political party could be nominated.

Early application will be encouraged. Knowledge of English language is an advantage.

Application Documents

Everyone who wants to nominate a participant should complete a nomination form.

The nominated candidates (from both quotas – political and civic) have to submit the following documents:

  • Application form
  • CV
  • Motivation letter
  • Two recommendations

The documents and the recommendations are to be sent to or to the mail address of the School – 1000 Sofia, 17 Tzar Shishman Str.

For more information regarding the application process and the program – tel. 0892 205 961.

Application procedure

Short-listed candidates will be invited to a test and an interview. The final selection is based on the professional profile of the applicant, the assessment of the documents and the results of the test and the interview.

After the final selection of the group for the school year 2024, the team of the BSoP will contact only the candidates approved to participate in the program. Because of traditionally high interest in the program the School`s team is unable to inform all candidates for the procedure`s outcomes. The BSoP is not obliged to give feedback on the performance of individual candidates neither to them nor to those who have nominated them.

Application Deadline

30th November 2023

School year duration

The school year 2024 will start in March 2024 and will end in September 2024.


 The fee is 2500 BGN. The entire fee should be paid before the beginning of the school year.