The second course of the National Program for Class 2021 ended with a topic on water management

panel_vodi_2021The second course of the National Program 2020-2021 ended with the current topic of water management. Maria Angelova – Head of the “River Basin Management” Department at the Ministry of Environment and Water, Ivan Ivanov – Chairman of the Management Board of Bulgarian Water and Sewerage Holding and Stanislav Vladimirov – Mayor of Pernik were lecturers on the topic. The trainees were acquainted with the ways in which water management is carried out at national and basin level, with the state policy in the management of water systems and facilities. Ivan Ivanov spoke about the challenges facing the water supply and sewerage industry, drawing attention to a new challenge – water shortages. In 2020, an entire regional town – Pernik, switched to water regime due to the emptying of a dam. Other settlements experience chronic water shortages at certain times of the year. The mayor of Pernik, Stanislav Vladimirov, also spoke about tackling this challenge. After the panel, the trainees had the task to make an analysis based on the technique “Tree of the problem” through which to analyze the problem of lack of drinking water in settlements. They received feedback on their work from the lecturers on the topic.