Project “Embracing Diversity” for alumni of the Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza” (BSoP) aims to support an active personal position in favor of diversity and change towards a more tolerant society. Graduates from different years of the National Program “Governing Skills” will be included in the project and will undergo the training program “Embracing Diversity”. It was developed by the International Association “Step by Step” and “Trust for Social Achievement” Foundation (TSA) holds the license to implement the model in Bulgaria. The training program will be adapted to the needs of the alumni of the School involved in the project. “Embracing Diversity” will give the graduates of BSoP knowledge and sensitivity about how stereotypes and prejudices can favor the development of an environment of inequality, but also knowledge about the different aspects of our identity and about possible strategies for deconstructing stereotypical thinking. The training for alumni of the National Program of BSoP will be experiential, drawing on the life experiences of the participants and discussions on ways to use them to build equitable opportunities in different communities and societies.
The project will also analyze the national anti-discrimination legislation, its application and deficiencies.
“Embracing Diversity” for alumni of BSoP is implemented with the financial support of “Trust for Social Achievement” Foundation.