Current and Completed Projects


The aim of the project “Organic Agriculture Innovation Platform” is to increase the knowledge of adult course providers about organic production, marketing and branding of products through new and innovative curriculum. In it, the Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza” is partnering with the lead organization “Forum CSRD” (North Macedonia), “Serbia Organica” (Serbia), “Eko Zadar”...
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The goals of the project are to increase the capacity of the BSoP team, trainers and experts to organize and conduct effective online and hybrid trainings, to communicate effectively with graduates and to expand their activities to new target groups.
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The overall objective of the project is to support the process of increasing women’s participation in political and social life in Morocco by taking initiative, overcoming traditions and prejudices and successfully participating in decision-making processes in the country during the crisis caused by Covid-19. The project is implemented by the Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry...
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The overall objective of the project “Active Youth for Prosperous Societies” is to encourage stronger regional youth cooperation by identifying new connecting issues based on the EU Youth strategy, which may in the long run, benefit from innovative solutions. Short-term objectives: 1. To develop policy entrepreneurship, leadership and good governance skills in the young people...
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The project “On Focus: Children of Bulgaria” aims to put the problems of the children of Bulgaria on the agenda of the political and civic leaders, as well as to increase the capacity of people working locally in the fields of policy development and child services. It is a logical continuation of the successfully implemented...
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“Build Bridges for Change” is a project of the association “New Road Hayredin”, which is implemented in partnership with the Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza” and the “Human Rights Academy”, Norway. It is a continuation of the successfully implemented project “Encouraging Civic Participation of Young Roma” (2015-2016). The main objective of the project is...
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The project “Clean Solutions to Air Pollution” provides a training program that will include representatives of the local authorities, civic organizations and opinion leaders from the most affected by air pollution municipalities. The aim is to improve the awareness of the newly elected local government representatives (regional administration, mayors, deputy mayors, experts, etc.) and to...
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The aim of the project is to raise the public awareness on the EU accession and integration process, EU values and key institutions among young people of the Republic of Albania. That will improve their knowledge on the impact of the integration process on their future. The project is implemented by the “Mesdheu Center of...
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The main objective of the project Europe Hears You. Vote! is to inform Bulgarian youth about the added value of the achievements of the EU and of the EP, the importance of the European elections and of taking part in the democratic process by voting. The project target group is young people 18-29, in cities...
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The project “Active Citizens – Prosperous Municipalities” is funded by the Operational Program “Good Governance” (OPC), co-funded by the European Social Fund of the European Union and will be implemented from January 2019 until June 2020. Its goal is to more effectively implement the principles of democratic governance and control over public policies at local...
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