Twenty women from the municipalities of Kardzhali, Momchilgrad, Dzebel and Chernoochene participated in the training under the “Active Women – Prosperous Democracy” project. It aims to increase the knowledge and skills of women from the regions of Kardzhali, Razgrad and Blagoevgrad, so that they can more actively participate in the decision-making process. A study shows that these three areas of the country have the fewest women in local government.
The twenty women from the Kardzhali region had intensive two-day sessions, in which the theoretical part alternated with group-dynamic trainings under the guidance of moderators. The powers and duties of institutions at the local level, citizen participation in the processes of formulating and implementing local policies, the Eurozone – an opportunity or a problem, social media and their role in the democratic process were the topics of the two-day training. The participants also had the opportunity to meet with the Mayor of Chernoochene municipality Ayjan Ahmed, to whom they could ask questions and share concerns, opinions, ideas.
The training for women from the Kardzhali region took place on July 27 and 28 and is the second of three planned trainings. After the last one for women from the Razgrad region, which will be at the end of August, a three-day training will be organized for a total of thirty women. The ten most active participants from the trainings in each of the regions of Kardzhali, Razgrad and Blagoevgrad will be invited to participate in it. The blended learning program will include panels to develop skills such as public speaking, teamwork and leadership, negotiation etc.
More details about the project can be found here.
The project is funded by the Transatlantic Foundation’s PROTEUS project, co-financed by the European Union.