The last lessons of the first course for Class 2022 of the National Program were related to functioning of the political system and written communication. The Professor of Political Science Antonii Todorov spoke to the forty trainees about the functioning of the political system. “We call the political system an organized set of political institutions, political actors, political norms and beliefs, political relations”, he said and focused on political systems in Europe and the peculiarities of the Bulgarian political system. Anthony Todorov also talked about political ideologies and the political process, and then answered the many questions of the trainees.
The journalist Kalina Vlaykova put an end to this first training course with a lecture on written communication, how to write so that they understand us. With many examples of a good text to communicate and one to tell, Kalina quickly captivated the audience. After explaining in detail what are the required elements in both types of text, Kalina Vlaykova gave individual homework to the trainees. Each of them has to write two texts on a specific assignment and from a specific role. Each trainee will receive feedback personally from Kalina Vlaykova.